Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Life with Toddlers

If you're there in the trenches with me now or will be there eventually... Here's a hug from me to you, and a three-finger salute courtesy of Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games triology.

If you've already been through this time in your life, I applaud you.  Toddlers are not for the weak.  Now, maybe there are some children out there who pass through this stage in their life with grace, poise, and a perfect behavior record.  They eat their vegetables, always use their manners, and comply with every directive.

But these are not the children who live in my house.

Elijah is testing boundaries.  He says "Awww!" when you ask or tell him to do something that isn't in line with his own personal agenda. He takes toys from Jake, then brazenly admits it.  He tells me food is yucky, even though he ate it last week. He's a threenager, through and through.

Jacob cries more as an 18 month old than he did as a newborn.  (Or maybe I still have lingering momnesia from that time period...)  He cries for attention.  He cries in frustration.  He cries when he doesn't get what he wants.  He cries when you aren't on his time schedule.  He cries when you don't let him climb on dangerous surfaces.  If he's awake, you can bet he's probably crying.

Other women have offered comforting words.  It will get better.  They will communicate their needs more.  They will understand more and become more patient and willing.  They will outgrow this time period.  And you know what?  They will.  There will come a time when it doesn't take me 30 minutes or more just to get children changed, shoes on, bag packed, and buckled into carseats for a "quick" trip to Wal-Mart.  There will come a Sunday morning at worship when both boys sing, pray, and listen to the message (or at least are still and quiet so others may listen).  I won't have to take anyone out of service for a lecture and a spanking.

Life will go on, and it WILL get easier. BUT.  That doesn't mean I'm wishing away this time in our lives.  Toddlers love with their whole self, because they haven't learned from the world yet that they should put up walls.  A tackling hug, arms flying, knees and elbows in my side, chubby little arms that surely will love me to death by wrapping around my neck so tightly...  A little pat on my leg during an evening summer storm, and a "It's ok, Mama.  Is jus' funder. Is jus' stowm. Jus' waining."  A cheeky smile.  Someone always wanting in my lap.  I'm never going to be more loved than I am now, and so I keep that in my mind when the wails echo down the hall and supper skirmishes happen nightly.

...and I take pictures of them sleeping, to remind myself of the peaceful sweet sleep of little ones.

You know, so I can reflect on them while I hide in the laundry room and eat candy before someone finds me.

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